Bangkok to Singapore

Left Bangkok around 1:30 AM this morning to avoid WX issues. We lucked out and had a smooth flight with no WX issue except a 15+ kt. headwind. A 5:15 hr flight took 6:45 hrs.

Arrived around 8:30 AM at Singapore. Customs and immigration took just a few minutes. Our friend and meteorologist Steve Pellettiere spoke to us several times last night with weather updates and graphics which was very helpful.

The rest of today was spent walking about an hour, roaming a nearby shopping mall dominated by restaurants and bakery items. It was hot and humid.

We became tourists and continued our evangelism regarding Alzheimer’s disease. Singapore is a very modern and clean city. Beautiful architecture for residential buildings.

Tomorrow we plan to be at the airport around 10 AM to refuel for a Sat. departure of 12 1/2 hours to Darwin, Australia.

Night view of a large Malaysian city

2 thoughts on “Bangkok to Singapore”

  1. Hi Ed and Zvi,
    Your beds are made and ready for you. I’m keeping an eye on you both. On arrival Cairns I think you will come strait to the G.A. parking area. I cant get in these days so will wait at the little G.A. terminal.
    See you soon.

  2. Great to see Ed and Zvi had a good trip from Bangkok to Singapore on Wednesday. Singapore is an interesting place… it’s located 1 degree above the earth’s equator so at high noon you hardly have a shadow because the sun is directly overhead all Four Seasons. Of course, because it’s near the equator temperatures are always quite warm and frequent afternoon showers and thunderstorms associated with the excessive heat and humidity make this city state a tropical hotspot. Here is a little history about Singapore. It was colonized by the British in the 17th and 18th century and was occupied by the Japanese during World War Two. After the war it returned to British rule but then was given independence in the 1950s. Singapore is located on the Malaysian peninsula and Malaysia is just across the river. Singapore joined Malaysia for a while before turning back to independence and becoming an island city state to this day. English is the language used for teaching but there are four main languages used, mostly English then Mandarin and local dialects including Portuguese Indian and Maylay of course. The island nation has its own military, constitution and rules and has one of .. if not the highest per capita income of Asian nations. You can fly to Singapore from New Jersey on a 20 hour flight using a passenger limited A350 900. Singapore represents the halfway mark for our intrepid flyboys as the second-half is coming up commencing Saturday. They will be flying the far distance to Darwin Australia. Then off to Cairns and visit Norty.

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